本研究旨在瞭解現今國中英語領域教學研究會之運作內容,探討相關運作內容對教師專業發展產生之影響,以及教師對於領域教學研究會之看法,進而得知各校教學研究會應該透過哪些運作內容,能夠提昇教師的專業成長。研究採質性方法進行,以台中縣國中英語教師為研究對象,以半結構式訪談進行資料蒐集並輔以參與觀察法進行研究,透過訪談五位英語教師及參與一所學校領域教學研究會之觀察,暸解各校英語領域教學研究會的實際運作狀況。歸納本研究結果發現,各校英語領域教學研究會之運作內容包括辦理研習、工作分配、選取教材、試題分析和教師分享。英語教師在參與的過程中,透過教師之間的對話交流而獲得教學能力與技巧、反省能力、自我態度等專業發展。教師肯定英語教學研究會所提供交流與分享之功能,期望召開的時間與次數能夠配合實際的需求彈性安排,讓每次的會議進行內容都能更為紮實有意義。最後,研究者依據研究結果針對學校單位、教師以及未來研究提出建議。 The main purpose of the thesis is to realize the content of English research meeting and to find how English research meeting can affect the teacher professional development. Through the teachers’ perspective, we can realize which content can help to elevate the teacher professional development.This is a qualitative research. The research proceeded with interview and participate observation – to interview five English teachers which teach at junior high school in Taichung County and to participate the English research meeting at one school. Thus it could help to find the real content of English research meeting. The results indicate that the contents of English research meeting include holding the workshop, selecting the textbook, analyzing the test item and sharing teaching experience with other teachers. Besides, English teachers who have participated the English research meeting enlarge their professional knowledge and teaching skill, get the reflective ability, and alter their teaching attitude. The five English teachers confirm the function of English research meeting on providing a sharing and communicating place to them. They expect that the meeting date can conform to the actual need along with be more flexible and therefore the English research meeting will work effectively. Based on the results, we have the suggestions to school, teacher, and future research.