本研究是針對電信業者新型服務型態以商品企劃論做為研究方法的商品企劃研究。首先利用小組訪談,根據受訪者意見設定出二十一項評價項目,並以此二十一項評價項目作為意見調查問卷的設計基礎。利用問卷調查的結果來進行定位分析,獲得三項關鍵因子且決定開發電信業者新型服務型態之最適方向。且利用創意發想與選擇的方法,發掘出符合顧客需求之創意。爾後採取問卷的形式,對使用電信業者所提供服務之消費者來進行調查,利用聯合分析,以探討消費者對於電信業者所提供屬性之偏好與最喜好之水準予以組合。 本研究發現透過聯合分析產生的結果,電信業者在開發上必須掌握五項關鍵屬性:「資訊提供」、「通話優惠」、「月租費訂價方式」、「網路服務」與「網內外計價方式」。而整體受測者中,最重視的屬性權重依序為「月租費計價方式」 (34.04%) >「網內外計價方式」 (32.85%) >「資訊提供」 (12.67%) >「網路服務」(12.23%) >「通話優惠」(8.21%)。此外,電信業者所提供之最佳服務組合為:「門市所提供資訊齊全」、「熱線群組」、「不設定月租費」、「下載穩定性」及「網內外優惠」。最後,本研究再分別依性別和每月通話金額來找出各層別所重視的屬性及所偏好的水準。 The privatization of Taiwan’s telecommunication industry in 1996 has opened up business opportunities and the industry has flourished tremendously ever since. Nowadays literally everyone enjoys the benefits of advanced telemmunication technology and people are talking while on the move. As a result, understanding consumers’ needs and providing the best possible services are of the utmost importance, and the current study is conducted to serve the aforementioned purpose.A variety of research methodologies (e.g. focus group, questionnaire interview, and conjoint analysis) are used in a two-step process. Five key attributes considered of great importance are:”Information update”, ”Special discount”, ”Minimum monthly charge requirement”, ”Internet-related services”, and ”Differentials in fee calculations”. The best service should possess the following qualities: complete information update provided by retailers, special discount for pre-assigned numbers of family members and friends, no minimum monthly charges, steady internet download, and low fare charged to customers both within and between/among different telecommunication service providers.