近年來,國內國際觀光旅館市場競爭日益激烈,消費者的需求與選擇也越來越多元。在此研究背景下,本研究以商品企劃論做為研究方法與架構,最終目的為尋找消費者之偏好,以企劃創新的國際觀光旅館服務。本研究採用「商品企劃論」中的訪談調查、意見調查、定位分析、創意發想、創意選擇與聯合分析。在訪談調查中,依據受訪者意見發展出29個評價項目,並以此作為意見調查的問卷架構。接著進行定位分析獲得三項企劃關鍵因素(「客服的主動性」、「客服的特殊性」與「官能感受」)。第二階段利用創意發想與選擇,評估符合顧客需求之創意構想,進而篩選出五個創意作為十個水準與聯合卡問卷之依據。最後再利用聯合分析找出消費者偏好的服務組合。聯合分析之結果顯示整體受測者最重視的屬性依序為:「多元促銷手法」、「E化服務」、「差異化服務」、「舒壓」及「旅遊便利性」,業者必須掌握此五項關鍵屬性。而其最偏好的服務水準組合為:『服務人員提供直接的住房線上服務』、『飯店內與飯店網頁提供顧客旅遊景點與指南』、『提供舒壓的精油療法產品』、『舉辦每月主題性促銷活動』、『貼心生日小禮物及問候卡片』。最後,若能將企劃加以深入設計與開發,創新的服務設計才會具有價值。 The international tourist hotel service market has more intense competition and offers consumers with more choices. To be competitive, dealers will have to venture to provide better services to keep their customers loyal and satisfied.After a brief review of relevant literatures and exploratory focus group study, the current research identifies three critical factors (i.e. “active service” “distinctive service” and “functional experience”) in determining international tourist hotel travelers’ various degrees of satisfaction. Conjoint analysis is then used to determine the key dimensions of service most desired by particioants in the current research project.This study identifies the following five characteristics most valued by international tourist hotel travelers:“parti-colored promotion”, “electronic service”, “discriminative service”, “express the pressure”, and “tourism of convenience”. Together , waiters provide online room service, hotel and it’s page provide spots and baedeker, provide essence of products of express the pressure, hold topical promotion monthly, and services constitute and create the best value enjoyed by international tourist hotel travelers.