策略規劃是經營企業一項極有用的工具之一,它能夠協助企業評估環境趨勢及 分析企業本身資源,指出企業適合發展的方向,以達到提高績效表現的目的。由於 進行策略規劃,牽涉眾多因素的考量,雖可藉助於電腦強大的運算能力;但一般傳 統程式,並未能納入專家之知識,亦無法模仿人類進行推論程序。因此本文將依知 識庫系統之發展程序,嘗試建立一套策略地位評估之專家系統雛型,將專家經驗轉 化為知識庫中之推論規則,使電腦能模仿人類專家的推理模式,以協助企業管理者 ,進行內、外環境評估及策略之方向擬定。 Strategic planning is one of the powerful tools to enterprise management, which can not only help managers to analyze and diagnose the encountered envi- ronments, but also point out the adaptive strategic and evolutional direction for an enterprise to follow. Consequently, strategic planning needs to consider various fac- tors, and we may make use of the high capability of computers. However, the traditional computer programs cannot consider human expertise and emulate the in- ference process of human experts as well. In this investigation, we try to translate human expertise into production rules as implemented in a knowledge base, and then build a knowledge-based system. Thus, it is capable of emulating an human expert to help a manager in performing strategic positioning.