本研究主要在提供一可用來發展電腦整合製造系統(CIM)的精緻系統法(Refined Systems Approach-RSA);精緻系統法的主要概念乃源於資訊工程(IE),其原因在於資 訊工程能夠直接地將公司的目標轉換成資訊系統架構(ISA)。精緻系統法包括了四個階段 一CIM的規劃、 CIM的架構、 CIM 系統的發展與建構、以及CIM的實施。 在精緻系統法中, CIM的規劃必須與企業的規劃相互整合,以便能夠確實反映出企 業的目標,此外, CIM的建立有資訊系統架構(ISA)與系統中各種「技術」的良好整合。 至於CIM的系統設計與建構,系統發展者可依實際需要採用合適的商用軟體 (例如 CASE, SADT等)。一般而言,精緻系統法為一易於實施的方法,它尤其適於幫助那些缺 乏電腦執行經驗的製造人員來設計與建構合乎實際所需的電腦整合製造系統。 This paper presents a refined systems approach (RSA) for the de- velopment of CIM system. the primary method of RSA is information engineering (IE) due to the fact that IE can be directed specifically at translating a corporate focus into an information systems architecture (ISA). RSA consists of four phases: CIM planning, CIM architecture. systems design and construction. and CIM implementation. In RSA. CIM planning must integrate with business planning to reflect the business's objectives, and CIM architecture is constructed by the well-integrated ISA and 'technologies': the methods of designing and constructing CIM system are geerally commercial availble (e.g., CASE. SADT). system developers may select as their preference. In general. RSA is an easy-implemented methodology for manufacturing people with little computer experience to design and build their own CIM system.