有關理論與實務之性質、目的及功能的爭議,向來就常出現於各種學域專業裡, 既費口舌又熱鬧。都市設計也不例外。本文是筆者即將出版的「都市設計理論與實務」一書 之摘錄。試圖建立理論與實務的分、合機制,並闡明理論如何作為建設性、整體性之原則, 以篩選、綜合事實,提供未來努力之方向並為朝向未知探險,充實壯膽。 The arduous and often strained debate concerning the place of theory- its nature, purpose, and function - has pervaded and nu- anced many a practical discipline, urban design is no exception to this. The present paper, an edited extract from the author's forthcom- ing book, Theory and Practice of Urban Design, is an attempt to under- stand the separation and connection between theory and practice and to establish a proper place for theory as a constructive means by which to qualify and synthesize the facts. There must be something to provide direction to practical effort, and to give that effort some robustness and adventure which it might otherwise lack.