產品語意是工業設計研究中領域的一項嶄新的課題。本文重點在藉造 形符號表達產品語意,並特別著意於探討符號表徵的微妙境界及其實用功能 。本文除強調符號表徵在當今之世的角色地位,並提醒設計界不可「以今非 古」一味詆毀「現代主義」和「功能主義」,也就是要以平實和中肯的態度 求新求變。 We introduced product semantics as a study of the symbolic qualities of man-made forms in the cognitive and social contexts of their use and the application of the knowledge gained to objects of industrial design. The slogan " form follows function" implies abstracting the ordinary user out of the equation and dlscarding the meanings that contsruct and see. The incerasingly appealing suggestion that form may not follow function but meaning brings the user back into the plcture and strongly suggests that designers need to discuss not only the contexts in which their forms are used, but also how these forms are made sense or what they mean to someone other than themselves. With semantic consideration in mind, deslgners may not start with the functions that a product is to perform, but with the cognltive models that users have at their disposal, can construct form available metaphors metonymy in design it's forms should fit or be Interpretable in terms of the cognitive models that led to their safe and socially deslred use. Finally, people have so different cultural histories that designers should create large number medium into users cognitive models, motivations, and meanings. Professor Klaus Krippendorff said: "designers should be especially aware of and responsible for the global effects of their creative efforts. From the point of view of a strategies that slow down the inevitable processes of decay are important". I do agree with him.