本實驗旨在探討添加物噴灑處理對零售階段之雞肉品質如風味、接受性及保 存性等之影響。採用分切去皮之雞胸肉,以5%之抗壞血酸或已二烯酸鉀溶液, 霧狀噴灑於胸肉表面,以保鮮膜包裝後於2-4℃之冷藏展示櫃貯存6天,並分別 於第0、3、6天逢機採樣進行各項分析。各處理間差異不顯著(p>0.05),但以抗壞血 酸噴灑有降低TBA之趨勢。總生菌數方面,各處理差異不顯著(P>0.05),大腸 桿菌屬菌數則以己二烯酸鉀噴灑者較低(P<0.01)。滲水失重及蒸煮失重率,各處 理間差異亦不顯著(P>0.05)。官能評估之結果,噴灑處理可使嫩度及多汁性獲得 改善。 The main purposes of this experiment was to study the effect of potassium sorbate (PS) and ascorbic acid (AA) spray on the keeping quality of chicken breast meats. Chicken breasts sprayed with 5% PS, 5% AA or control (non-treated) were displayed in PS tray with PE film wrapping for up to 6 day at 2-4 ℃. Samples were randomly selected at 0, 3 and 6 days of storage for evaluating of pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value, total plate counts (TPC), etc. The results indicated that pH and TBA value of all breast meats were not effected by treatments (p<0.05). However, samples treated with 5% AA trend to have lower TBA value. Total plate counts, cooking loss and drip loss were not effected (p>0.05) by different treatment groups. Brest meats treated with 5% PS had significant lower (p<0.01) number of coliform. Sensory data showed that breast meats with spray treatment were more tender and juicy (p<0.05) as compared to control.