Abstract: | 香辛中藥除可應用在醫療治病及食品調香、矯臭外,亦有學者指出部份的香辛 中藥具有延緩油脂氧化酸敗之作用。本研究以氣味清香,內含成分尚未十分清楚之 羌活(Notopterygium incisum)為研究對象,探討其揮發性成分結果敘述如下: 羌活經L-N蒸餾萃取裝置以乙醚萃取其揮發性成分,再利用分子蒸餾法、毛細 管濃縮法餾乾乙醚。此萃取物再經氣相層析儀及氣相層析一質譜儀分離鑑定後,檢 測出碳氫化合物17個,醇類7個,醛類4個,酯類3個,醚煩1個,以及羧酸類 1個等 33種化合物。其中以α-thujene, camphene, 2-decenal, 1imonene, cymene, terpinolene, methyl fenchyl ether, fenchol, isolorneol, isoiridomyrmein ,borneol,α-copaene, hexanoic acid 等13種化合物含量較多,約佔氣相層析圖 總波峰面積的72.7%。 The components account for the flavor activity of Chiang-Huo (Notopterygium in- cisum) were investigated in this study. The results are showed as following: The volatile components of Chiang-Huo were extracted by diethyl ether using the Likens-Nickerson extractor. After concentrated by molecular distillation and capillary- tube methods, the concentrated essential oil was isolated and identified by gas chro- matography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Thirty-three volatile components were identified, including 17 hydrocarbons, 7 alcohols, 4 aldoses, 3 esters, 1 ether, and 1 carboxylic acid. Thirteen of the 33 components made up about 72.7 % of the total peak area on the GC chromatogram, which were α -thujene, cam- phene, 2-decenal, limonene, cymene, terpinolene, methyl fenchy ether, fenchol, isobor- neol, isoiridomyrmecin, bornel, α -copaene, and hexanoic acid. |