明代治理少數民族聚居的西南邊,建「土司制度」,其統治手段和方向,是 從「流土合治」逐漸走向「改土歸流」。始則設置流官佐貳,繼則增設佐貳員額, 進而調整隸屬關係,由行省長官宜接控馭,又把土吏藉考績轉為流吏;而後興設儒 學,教化蠻夷,再規定土司土官子弟必先入儒學,始有承襲資格:對頑梗不法者輕 則革罷改流,重則誅滅改流,至於絕嗣改流、自請改流更屬順理成章。 明代統治西南邊地的成就,其重要者有:(一)貴州的建省,(二)土兵對明帝國的國 防有重大貢獻,(三)雲貴地區開發的成功。 由於明帝國土司制度與流土合治、改土歸流的成功,使得西南邊遠地區,經由 明代二百七十餘年的統治,確實成為中華民族新的生存空間,為近代中國開一新機 運。 During the Ming Dynasty, there were various minorities grouped and lived on the Southwestern region of the Chinese territory. The Ming Court appointed many "Tu-Tze( 土司 )" to rule their own tribes and people. The "Tu-Tze", who was an aboriginal chieftain acknowledged by the Ming court, the head of its local border government who took charge of all his border tribes' matters. By so doing, the aboriginal chieftains came undre government ju- risdiction (改土歸流 ) rather than a co-governing situation with both aboriginal chief- tains and government officials (流土合治) like before. This article offers analysis on this transition from the military, political and cultural angles. Under this "Tu-Tze" system, the Ming Empire had great achievements toward the following:(1) The establishment of Kwei-Chow province. (2) Significant contri- bution to the defense power from those border tribal soldiers. (3) The successful development of Yuen-Nan and Kwei-Chow area. Throughout two hundred and seventyseven years of Ming's jurisdiction, the South-western territory had become a new habitalbe area in China which brought about a positive influence on her future development.