李華為盛唐文學名家,但因史傳甚簡,生卒不詳,是以迄無年譜。本篇就其詩 文,作繫年考證,略定其生於玄宗開元五年左右,卒於代宗大曆九年或稍前(七一 七??七七四?)。史或謂其貶江南後,即廢於家,實仍服官有年。又與李峴交誼 甚厚,晚節出處,多與相關;迨峴卒乃退隱。所考除訂正《兩唐書》之失,對李華 文行之解,宜有助焉。 Li Hua was an eminent man of letters in the "Sheng T'ang" period. Because of lack of sufficient historical and biographical information about his life, particular- ly about the dates of his birth and death, never was there a chrono-biograpy of him written. This article is intended to fill this gap by investigating relevant per- sonal data found in his prose and poetry. As a result of this investigation, the date of his birth is tentatively set about the fifth year (717) of the K'ai-yuan peri- od of the Hsuan-tsung reign, and the date of his death, in the ninth year (774) of the Ta-li period of the Tai-tsung reign or a little earlier. If has been said in some works of history that Li Hua remained in retire- ment at home until his death. But in fact be continuel to hold his official title and at the same time maintained a close friendly relationship with Li Hsien under whom he worked for some time. In the later years of his like, most of his activi- ties had something to do with this relationship, and he did not retire until Li Hsien died. Aside from correcting errors in 《 The Two T'ang Histories 》, This article should also help to understand the literary career of Li Hua.