公羊傳於桓公十一年對權與經之間的關係曾有所界定。由於此界定語句過於精 簡,所以歷代學者對其確切含義有不同的理解。本文之作則在分析這些不同理解的 內涵及其呈現出來之意義。本文發現:就權道的本質而言,歷代學者的理解可分為 義務論及目的論兩派;就權道行使的條件而言,歷代學者有針對權道行使的對象之 處境立論者,也有針對行使者自己的處境立論者。歷代學者唯一的共識是在權道行 使的方式方面:行權只能損已利人,不可損人利己。 In the kungyang Commentany on the Spring and Autumn Annals, there is a passage defining the relationship between the concept of "chuan" (to weigh) and "ching" (correct dogma). Because of the terseness of the definition, there arised in later centuries many different interpretations concerning its exact meaning. This paper is written in an attempt to analyze and classify these defferent intepretations. The author finds out that, as far as the general nature of the "chuan" is concerned, traditional understandings canbe divided into two groups: deontological one and teleological one. Regarding the condition where the act of "chuan" can be applied, traditional interpretations can also be divided into two kinds: the first refers to the condition of the object which "chuan" applies; the second refers to the conditions of the subject who applies "chuan" as to the rule of applying "chuan", all scholars agree that it must be self-sacrificing.