本文以研究中華民國憲政在臺灣的變遷與發展為主旨,其中並以強人政治、戡 亂體制及中央民意代表長期不改選的結果而導致憲法統治的合法性與正當性遭受挑 戰和質疑的危機。所幸臺灣政治社會發展及特殊史屬,有助於中華民國憲政的轉型 ,而民間社會力量的抬頭,使威權政權的統治逐漸轉化為自由化及民主化的機制, 終將動員戡亂臨時條款於一九九一年五月加以廢除,並即時從事第二屆國大代表的 選舉,並擬將憲法回歸常態方向發展。 The main point of this article is to study the change and development of constitutional government of R.O.C. in Taiwan. The development process has not been a smooth one. Because of the practice of strong-man role, the enforcement of war-time emergency laws and the absence of new election, the road to constitutional governemnt was indeed bleak and challenging. However, with the emergence of social democratic forces, the abolishing in 1991 of the war-time "Mobilization and Suppression" rules, the National Assembly, when reconstructed after a new election, is planning to return the constitutional government to its normal course.