本研究主要之目的在探討實習安置過程中,學生對實習安置之期待,以及其選 擇安置機構所考慮之因素與所需要之資訊。結果發現學生選擇實習安置機構時,其 認識機構之資訊來源,大都以詢問學長姊或同學交換經驗為主,較重視是否符合學 校與機構的期望、能否接受機構所得之實習內容和服務的案主,以及至此機構實習 後對個人未來就業有否實益工具性利益。至於能否從機構實習中獲得必要的學習與 個人成長,則未受到最大的重視。整體而言,學生在選擇機構實習時,覺得較需要 知道的資訊,比較是機構提供實習教學方案的詳細內容,以及學校老師的期望和機 構教學者的教學態度與意願。根據研究結果進行討論,並提出改善實習案置程序, 加強學校與機構實習方面之合作關係,明確化學校實習老師權責,及進行機構實習 安置期待之研究等建議。 This is a explorary study to understand what is the consideration and expectation of the student, when they have to choose an agency for field work. We found that the mojor sources to understand the agency come from schoolmate, they want to meet the expectation of the school and the agency, wether they can or not accept the agencys' clients and field work activities, and wether it is helpufl to find a job after they graduate. However, most of the student did not emphasize on wether they can get the necessary learning and self-rowth from field work. As the whole, when they choose field agency, the student expresses that they rather need to know (1) the detail of the field instruction program of the agency, (2)the teaching expectation of the school teacher, and (3)the instruction willingness and approach of the field instructor. It is suggested to modify the process of field placement, to enchance the cooperation between school and field agency, and to specify the responsibility of school teacher.