藉由分析長期氣象資料,或可用來討影響氣候變化趨勢的自然及人為因子。本 研究是利用統計方法分析臺灣地區長期氣象資料,希望提供研究區域性氣候變遷進一步的 資料。文中亦將探討都市化現象與氣溫變化之間的關係。研究顯示:臺灣地區近百年來, 年平均氣溫、年平均最低溫及各季氣溫均有顯著的上升趨勢;而年平均最高溫的上升趨勢 則不明顯。降水趨勢南北迥異,東北部有顯著的增加,而西南部則持續減少,兩者發生皆 在其主要降水期,即東北部在冬季,西南部在夏季。 It is possible to determine the natural and human factors that effect climate trends by understanding long-term climatic changes. This study uses statistical methods to analyze long-term meteorological data in Taiwan, in an attempt to supply more information to the study of climate change in the region. The influence of urbanization in relation to meteorological record is also discussed. Over approximately the past one hundred year, the annual-mean and seasonal-mean temperature in Taiwan are clearly increasing. The study found that the increasing temperatures are due to the increasing mean minimum temperatures but show little relation to the mean maximum temperatures. The precipitation trends are quite contrast between the northern and the southwestern areas, which the northern is increasing and the southwestern is decreasing. In both cases, the trends follow its main raining season, i.e. the northern being in the winter and the southwestern in the summer.