應用資訊科技於顧客服務方面,於先進國家,已相當普遍,且獲得可觀的成就。 我國近年來,資訊工業也有長足進步,然而國內中小企業,以往較專注於加工製造,忽略 了顧客服務的重要性。因此,如何將資訊科技運用於國內業界之顧客服務,以因應行銷導 向的國際趨勢,強化市場競爭力,為刻不容緩的課題。 不同的行業及不同企業,所建構的顧客服務資訊系統也有所不同。因此,有必要針對 國內環境需要,規畫出個別行業之整體性的顧客服務資訊統架構,供企業作為建構顧客服 務系統時參考標準。有鑑於此,本研究以工具機業為對象,發展一「整合性顧客服務資訊 系統」基礎架構。 本研究藉由文獻探討之後,提出一「整合性顧客服務資訊系統」的理論架構,並以系 統分析的工具IDEF0,分析每一子系統的功能。最後,再以工具機業為對象,加以訪談實 證,分析每一子系統下的各個程序(process)及相關資訊的流入、流出及資訊的儲存,以進 一步確定各子系統相關資訊的運作。本研究所規畫之系統架構,可以提供相關的顧客服務 資訊,以使顧客服務的功能經由資訊系統的協助,達成較高的成果。 The application of information technology (IT) on customer services has been widely explored and successfully implemented in the abroad. Although IT related industries have been developed rapidly in Taiwan, the application of IT on customer services in local businesses lags for behind due to past emphasis on manufacturing. The intent of the study is to help to remedy such problem. The machining tool industry is the target subject of the study. The information system aspect of IT is considered specifically. In short, an integrated customer service information system (ICSIS) reference framework for the machining tool industry is constructed. A theoretical ICSIS framework is developed based on a synergy of concepts discussed in the current literature. IDEF0, a system analysis tool, is employed to analyze and describe the functions within the framework. Furthermore, a number of local machining tool companies are surveyed to validate the comprehensiveness of the framework. Consequently, the developed ICSIS framework could assist the local machining tool industry to implement customer service information systems.