本試驗之目的乃探討覆冰(0℃)熟成期間(0,24,48及72小時)雞胸肉生化、物理 特性之變化。由實驗結果得知,隨著熟成時間的增加,titin 1逐漸被分解為titin 2,並於 熟成48小時後,即告消失;nebulin僅在第0小時被發現。而28?32kDa成分於24小時後開始 出現,並隨熟成時間的增加有增加的趨勢。水分含量、官能嫩度值、肌纖維斷裂指數(MFI) 、非蛋白質態氮值(NPN)及亮度值隨熟成時間的增加而增加,保水性也顯著顯加。剪力值 隨熟成時間的增加而顯著減少。 The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of aging on biochimical and physical properties of chicken breastes. Results revealed that with increasing aging time titin 1 gradually degraded to titin 2 and disappeared after 48 hr of aging at 0℃; nebulin was clearly visible in samples before aging (0 hr) but was completely absent after 24 hr of aging. The 28?32kDa components initially appeared after24 hr of aging and obviously increased with increasing aging time. an increase in aging time increased water content, sensory tenderness scores, MFI, NPN and Hunter L values but decreased shear values of breast meat. Water holding capacity increased during aging.