本研究採用清水、梧棲、東大、大肚、伸港、線西、和美、彰化、鹿港與草屯等 十個空氣品質監測站之 SO ?笑妠?數值,配合中央氣象局梧棲測侯站氣象資料,以介入分析 方法探討 1994 ? 1996 年東北季風期間風向改變時,臺中火力發電廠及中部地區工廠排放 之 SO2 對各測站的影響,藉由不同風向的介入, 推估 SO ?祕穫V源對測站 SO ?紊@度擾動 的程度。另外由於火力發電廠是重要的 SO ?秧?騇翩A研究中亦討論臺電總發量巨幅變動後 對測站之影響效果。 臺灣冬半季風向穩定,風向主要為東北﹣西北風之間,以風向為介入之分析中,北風轉為東 北風時,梧棲、東大、線西與和美站的 SO ?紊@度顯著變化。北風轉為西北風時,梧棲、東 大、大肚、線西與草屯站 SO ?紊@度變動較顯著。 靜風時期大肚、伸港、線西和鹿港站 SO ?紊@度明顯升高。 風向穩定、低風速時,電廠發電量巨幅增加,中部地區顯著受影響之地區較廣。風向變化較 大或高風速時,各測站 SO ?紊@度變化之值則不顯著。 This paper examines and analyzes the data of the air quality monitoring station and Wuchi weather station to show the effect of wind direction on SO ?? concentration. Intervention analysis is used to assess the effect of SO ?? that is released from the Taichung power plant and other factories on the monitoring station when the wind direction changes. Another purpose of this study is to analyze the variation of SO ?? concentration caused the addition or decrease of load. The wind direction is stable in winter in Taiwan. When the wind direction changes from a North wind to at a Northeast wind, the impact on SO ?? concentration will be more dominant Wuchi, Tunghai, Hsienhsi and Homei. When the wind direction changes from a North wind to at a Northwest wind, the impact on SO ?? concentration will be more dominant Wuchi, Tunghai, Tatu, Hsienhsi and Nantou. Calm wind will cause the SO ?? concentration to increase at Tatu, Shenkang, Hsienhsi and Lukang. When wind direction is stable and wind speed is low, the Taichung coal-fired power plant will have more effect in Central Taiwan. When wind direction is unstable or wind speed is high, the impact on SO ?? concentration at the monitor station is indeterminate.