本研究的目的有二:(1)研究一般民眾對機場公共標識符號認識情況,(2)找出機場 公共標識符號認識率(recognition)較低之符號加以改善。本研究共發出問卷220份,有效問 卷201 份。由結果顯示,問卷一之男性平均答對率為77.45%,女性平均答對率為80.28%, 本研究總計包括25個機場公共標識符號。以個別標識符號來說,男女性別方面有6項機場 標識符號達顯著差異水準,「是否出過國」有11項機場標識符號有顯著差異。「出國組」平 均答對率為85.05%,「未出國組」平均答對率為75.41%,「出國組」平均答對率較「未出國 組」平均答對率為高。問卷二為機場公共標識符號認識率低於80%者之符號加以改善,根 據問卷二之結果顯示,有5種機場標識符號確實獲得改善。 The purpose of this study was to investigate a set of graphic symbols used in airport. 220 subjects participated in the study. Several symbols are presented to subjects along with a list of the referents represented, and subjects were asked to match each symbol with its referent. A significant different was found between going-aboard and not going-aboard. The average recognition rates for each group was male 77.45%, female 80.28%, going-aboard 85.05%, and not going-aboard 75.41%. The ten symbols with average recognition rates below 80% had been redesigned, investigation showed a significant effect was found on the five improved symbols.