由於企業處於個性化生產及競爭激烈的時代,生產效率及設備可用度的估算也益 形受到重視。有鑑於此,本研究乃是透過連續性時間馬可夫鏈 (CTMC) 的模式來探討處於 不完全可靠機率下的加工中心生產效率與可用度兩者的估計,討論並比較兩者之間的異同。 藉此提供學術界及產業界估算生產效率與可用度的參考。 In the competitive and mass customization environment, there may be va- rious products processed simultaneously (mixed produced) on the same production line to meet the delivery schedule. How to enhance the production efficiency an d availability of "machining center" type production in the key industries is one of the main issues of production system effectiveness in recent days. Therefore, this paper is intended to investigate the estimation of inherent production effi ciency and availability and discuss the difference of those two by employing sto chastic system of continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) model, while the machining center is in unreliable condition.