休閒餐廳的流行風潮,說明了在餐廳用餐除能滿足人們生理需求外,亦可達到休 閒的目的。 用餐動機研究中探討的主要因素為產品、價格及服務,但休閒層面卻完全被忽略了。 本文結合觀光及休閒動機與滿意度之研究發現,建構餐飲滿意度兩構面評量模式,並提 出未來研究的方向。 A review of the study on customer motivations and satisfaction in foodservice indicates that limited research has been done and research is concentrated in pull factors of dining out. None of the social-psychologically based leisure motivation studies were found. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are three-fold: (1)to present an overview of the types of research that have been conducted in measuring leisure and restaurant dining motives and satisfaction; (2)to propose a model of restaurant dining satisfaction; (3) to identify future research topics related to the impact of leisure dimension on restaurant dining experiences.