Abstract: | 本篇論文以研究李潼少年小說中的女性形象為主,探討李潼筆下女性形象中的類型、女性形象呈現的特質,並從中歸納出女性形象的所呈現出的特質和對於少年讀者的啟發。首先探討李潼的生平及他文學創作的動力。李潼在創作少年小說長達二十多年來,在主題的選擇、在敘事手法的運用和人物形象上的特色上進行比較。根據李潼創作歷程女性形象的特質中,就少年女性、成年女性及特殊族群女性進行歸納及整理。在少年女性部分,就長女型、俠女型和傳統型進行分析研究;在成年女性部分,分別探討不同類型的母親形象、老太太形象和新女性形象;並針對特殊的族群形象,加入了原住民女性、外籍女性及其他族群的女性的書寫。 在研究的過程當中發現,李潼少年小說中的女性形象,隨者李潼的創作歷程逐漸的重視,女性並非被描繪成溫順、被動而且極待幫助的角色,可見李潼對於性別角色的刻畫之用心,愈跳脫傳統女性是弱者的刻板觀念,以獨立、堅強、智慧等特質,賦予女性人物新的形象,也符合現代潮流之趨勢。此外,在建構自我性別認同的過程中,能避免以強弱、尊卑等對立方式。並且賦予女性主角非傳統刻板化的形象,以呈現女性主體的價值。李潼的少年小說極力刻畫積極的女性形象中,希望破除性別歧視與刻板印象,關注到不同族群的女性,希望每個人都能自信、勇敢的活出自己的一片天,迎向美好的未來。 Lee Tong’s juvenile novels get many reputations due to the copious and varied immanencee.His novel covers comprehensive backgrounds, including rich savors of historical, cultural as well as rustic lives and tracks of Taiwan history over the past one hundred years. Lee reflects juvenile novel’s enlightening functions and responsibilities for youngsters’ growth by way of caring different population, sustaining history and cultures, observing and taking responsibilities for social status quos. This disquisition would explore relative questions in seven chapters:Chapter One “Introduction” will illustrate the motivation, purpose, steps, scopes, limitations and literature review of this paper.Chapter Two “Lee Tong and his juvenile novels” will be divided into two paragraphs including 1) explore the distinctions of Lee Tong, 2) review the conclusions of former researches on Lee’s novel personas. Chapter Three “Lee Tong and his ‘Taiwan’s Children’” consists of three paragraphs: 1) explore Lee’s idiosyncrasy of writing by his works, 2) illustrate the reasons why he wrote “Taiwan’s Children”, 3) introduce the outline of “Taiwan’s Children” series and analyze the background and meaning of its time.As the crux of this research,Chapter Four “Analyze the Categories of girl Images in ‘Taiwan’s Children’” would explore the descriptions by text analysis method through three paragraphs. Chapter Five “The Description of woman Image and its Impacts to Juveniles” would be processed by three paragraphs.Chapter six “The Description of some special woman’s characteristics of Taiwanese Image Chapter Seven “Conclusion” would sum up the results of this research, and the author finds the female images under Lee’s pen are well-rounded as well as presenting the unique characteristics of Taiwanese such as tough-minded, reasonable, tolerant, sanguine and happy-go-lucky. The female in this novel have edified youngsters with different philosophy of life, and teach them to appreciate the values of existence, recognize themselves and the ambient environments, so as to expend the juvenile’s sights and facilitate them to contemplate and introspect their lives and social problems with different insight. To conclude, we can say that presenting adult personas in the novel would get very important footing and strong impact in juvenile persona’s growth and education. |