入探討國際精品鞋品牌 Salvatore Ferragamo,在前測的部份,首先,先訪談一位台灣品牌顧問公司主管,
伸可參考之模式。Ferragamo 首先從縱向的垂直產品線延伸,後來拓展水平的品牌延伸,產品由外到內的
The shoe manufacture industry is a labor intensive industry. Taiwan once had the
reputation as shoemaking kingdom; however, the cost of Taiwan labor increased caused the
factories moving out to places such as mainland China or Southeast Asia. In addition, facing
the competition between western brands, Taiwan shoe manufacture industry must establish
the brand. After establishing the brand, how to utilize the brand equity to do brand extension
and product line extension is also the other topic. The study is using the case study to discuss
the international luxury brand Salvatore Ferragamo. Before the case study, there was an
interview with a Chief executive from the brand consultant firm and learned that the five
perspectives to analysis brand strength: brand background, brand property, target market, core
value and brand personality. After the analysis, the key successful factors as brand power and
how brand extension or product line extension are presented. It could be a reference model for
Taiwan shoe manufacturers.