施振榮(2004)認為台灣企業如果想要在往後國際化潮流中存活,須往價值鏈上游(研究與發展)或下游(品牌)兩端努力,Coviello & McAuley(1999)整理國際化理論時,將國際化分成三個主要學派,卻沒有探討到中小型企業品牌國際化相關議題,此為中小型企業國際化研究的缺撼,Ayal & Zif(1979)認為市場選擇是成功國際化的第一步。 本研究以目前在國際市場上經營自有品牌的臺灣中小型企業為樣本,期許在訪談過程中,探索出臺灣中小型企業在國際市場打自有品牌時,考量那些因素可以讓品牌國際化過程更順遂,並做為日後臺灣中小型企業因素考量取捨時的依據,因此本研究以研究臺灣中小型企業在初期進入國際市場時,以那些因素為主要的考量。 經過個案分析結果可知,這四家在國際銷售自有品牌的公司在選擇市場進入時所考量的因素各有不同,四大因素的結果如以下:1.國家層級因素:四個衡量變項都有不同,差別來自於產業別或者企業本身的體質。2.產業與企業層級相關:網絡關係和市場吸引力這兩個因素,在本研究的四個個案中是最受到證實的。3.CEO及TMTs觀點:在本研究的四個研究個案中各有不同的結果。4.品牌國際化相關因素:其中與代工客戶的衝突和國家形象在四個研究個案中所呈現的結果是一致的,通路的強弱在四個個案研究中也呈現較正面的結果。 Stan Shih (2004) believed striving in R&D and Branding is the main road to survive in future international trend. Coviello & McAuley (1999) sorted internationalization into three schools, never mension international Branding of SMEs. It’s one of deficiency of international research. Ayal & Zif (1979) argued that market selection is first step for internationalization.This research uses SMEs that conducted own brand in international market as samples and tried to find out what key factors make these brands internationalize smoothly. Hopefully SMEs can use these factors as framework of consideration. This research will focus on what factors should be prioritized when those SMEs select their first target international market.This research showes four samples in different circumstances have different consider in each factor. The results are as below:A.Political level factors: because of industry or enterprise’s characteristic, each measure factor shows different result.B.Industrial and Enterprise level factors: network relationship and market attraction fully prove in four samples.C.Individual level factor: each sample shows different result in this factor.D.Brand internationalization relates factors: conflict with OEM/ODM clients and country image fully prove in four samples and situation with local channel get proved in four of three samples.