Abstract: | 奈米碳管(Carbon Nanotubes, CNTs)自1991年發現以來,因具特殊之物性與化性表現與性質,因此引起全世界研究的興趣。目前,由於尺寸太小難以掌握且管與材料本身彼此性質歧異性大,致使其研究與應用受阻。為使奈米碳管(CNTs)能真實應用於現實生活中,本研究利用獨特的分散與過濾製程,將多壁奈米碳管(multi-wall CNTs,MWCNTs)製成一管身呈隨機排列且質地均勻的均質材料,稱為巴克紙(Random Buckypaper,RBP) 。 此一方式是將CNTs在奈米級的優越特性放大至巨觀,也突破了CNTs應用的瓶頸? 本研究導入Seebeck之觀念並架設一熱電量測系統針對RBP作電熱效應之測試。在量測中發現BP是個非常好的熱電材料?從實驗中發現,RBP在熱轉電的電壓輸出中最大可達3.7mV,為銅片的10.8倍,鋁片的28.4倍;在電流輸出中最大可達330μA,為銅片的2.5倍,鋁片的94.2倍。由此數據發現RBP之熱電效應證據是明顯的(電壓和電流輸出明確),且RBP電壓輸出級數更大,可高達m級數。為了提高BP的熱電效應,本研究利用電鍍法,將RBP電鍍(Ag、Cu)不同濃度單金屬硝酸物;以及利用蒸鍍法,將BP蒸鍍不同金屬(Sb、Bi、Te) ,也將改質(電鍍、蒸鍍)之RBP透過串接、並接的方式加以放大電壓及電流,將其熱電特性發揮至更好。 從實驗中發現,電壓串接3組之電鍍Cu 1M為全部實驗中最大輸出值,其值為-19.85m V,是單層RBP的5.36倍;電流並接3組之Te為全部實驗中最大輸出值,其值為1mA,是單層RBP的3.03倍;Seebeck值串接3組之Cu 1M為全部實驗中最大輸出值,其值為-64 [μ V/K] ,是單層RBP的4.74倍;由此數據發現電壓、電流、Seebeck值輸出級數更大,將熱電性質發揮至更大效應。此外,RBP電壓和電流的熱端和冷端電極輸出電性具呈方向性(在第四象限);由此數據一一證明BP是為一良好之熱電材料? 本研究期望利用BP之良好的熱電特性,可透過材料的改質及改變接法之方式,以熱能轉換成發電原理,能夠應用在熱電池 & 廢熱能回收(Energy Harvester)上,並且成功開發出一套以BP材料為軸心之真正地應用在日常生活中之能源關鍵器件。關鍵詞:奈米碳管、巴克紙、熱電效應、熱電係數 、能源回收、奈米碳管熱電池。 Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been caused a worldwide wave of research interests because of its excellent characteristics about optical, electrical and magnetic. But to the present, it’s rarely being applied to life owing to its hard-handling, tiny-size and the nature of difference between each tube. In this study, in order to overcome the limit above, with the idea of bottom up, we filtrates the suspension of CNTs and make it as a sheet-like bulk material, so called buckypaper (BP). BP gets lightweight, sheet-like, robust, high specific surface area and 78 % porosity, this allows it could be put on the applications of electrical field. Under the test of thermoelectric measurement, on the same size of samples and temperature differences, BP could output 3.7 mV (max.). That was 10.8 times than copper and 28.4 times than aluminum sample did. And, BP could output 330 ?A (max.). That was 2.5 times than copper and 94.2 times than aluminum sample did. The more important fact is that the output power of BP was located on the fourth quadrant, just like solar cell.According to the evidence above, BP possesses the features of great properties of thermoelectric. Thus, it was considered to be an excellent thermoelectric material. It would be possible of BP to make a same revolution in material history as semiconductor did (to replace ferroalloy), because of its precedence electrical properties.Keywords: Carbon Nanotubes、Buckypaper、Thermoelectric effect、seebeck effect 、Energy Harvester、 CNTs ThermoelectricCell |