三義木雕產業由「加工製造業型」經過「藝品銷售業型」轉為「文化創意產業型」,創造建立新附加價值。??於文化、藝術、產業經濟層面,給予消費者正面印象的評價,且透過感性?銷、核心價值建立、體驗式活動運用、交?買賣公平化、環境保護永續經營、分享文化氛圍等方式,獲得消費者內心共鳴。 三義木雕產業經過?導入期、成長期、高峰期、衰退期,如現今?是面?到大?、東南亞廉價勞力大量製造木雕藝品的衝擊,使得三義木雕業者的經營模式,?得?做轉型以維持生存。近??也與政府合作推動文化創意產業發展計畫,使得木雕的經營模式?具多角化與多樣化的面向,也朝 文化休閒觀光、天然環境導覽等方式進行轉型。 於1999 ?成?「苗?縣三義木雕協會」。2002 ?將三義木雕藝術節?為台灣十二大節慶活動之一。三義木雕產業受活動因素影響改以藝術創作為主的收藏品,藝品開始朝向注入台灣元素的個人創作為主流,在國際也頗受好評。 另有一群木雕工作者與地方文化人士開始進行轉型,由於在三義中山高速公路設有交流道,依其地利之便發展運用「社區總體營造」建設及「傳統文化產業轉型」與「天然環境資源利用」結合成「觀光休閒旅遊產業」。本研究自2004年長期實地田野調查及參與個案發展歷程,經與個案業者-「三義丫箱寶」(雙峰企業)之訪談歸納,共同探討未來發展方向。且根據文獻及案例「三義丫箱寶」與「木匠兄妹工坊」訪談比對分析做為實例。 本研究結果發現個案「三義丫箱寶」轉型重要策略因素為:1. 家族向心力;2. 結合地方特色;3. 配合公部門策略合作;4. 媒體報導效應。配合「SWOT」、「VRINE」理論基礎,整理出轉型要素的關聯性,探討「傳統木製勞力產業」在面臨沒落後的情況下,如何重新找回新利基,再創過去輝煌的木雕產業發展之機會,提供國內地方產業轉型升級的發展定位之規劃參考。 Wood-carving industry in Sanyi has transferred from manufacturing to craft sales, then to cultural and creative industry. Now experiential activities are used to evoke consumers’ emotional reaction. Wood-carving companies in Sanyi went thorough a whole lifecycle, including introduction, growth, peak, and recession period. Nowadays, they are facing the challenge from Mainland China and Southeast Asia with low labor cost, which pushes them change their business model. Recent years, cooperating with the government makes business model more diversified. Sanyi wood-carving Association in Miaoli County was established in 1999. Sanyi Wood-Carving Festival was recognized as one of the twelve festivals in Taiwan from 2002. Due to many campaigns, the focus in this industry turned to personal creation with local cultural elements, which also gain reputation internationally. Long-term observation and case study were used in this study. Two cases in this industry were included – “Sanyi Ya Xiang Bao” (Shuang Feng Incopertion) and “Carpenters Workshop.” We compared these two cases to come out some future direction. The results indicated key success factors of organizational transformation include: 1. family cohesion, 2. local characteristics, 3. strategic alignment with the public sector, 4. media report. With the "SWOT" and "VRINE" theoretical framework, we discuss how to face new situation and how to rediscover a new chance for traditional wooden labor industry. And the findings also provide some suggestion to traditional and local industries for upgrading and transformation.