西薩•法朗克(C?sar Franck, 1822-1890)是十九世紀重要的法國作曲家之一。法朗克的創作手法不僅深受傳統技法的影響,包含巴哈的複格與對位手法、貝多芬的曲式架構、李斯特的循環曲式和華格納的和聲色彩……等,更融合浪漫的個人特質。 本文將簡述法朗克生平,以及法朗克所受之傳統及當代創作手法的影響,進而研究《交響變奏曲》(Variations Symphoniques)的樂曲分析和作曲手法,最後筆者歸納出此曲演奏問題。 C?sar Franck (1822-1890) was one of the most important composers of thenineteenth century. Not only was Franck deeply influenced by traditionalcompositional techniques, including the fugue and contrapuntal of Bach, the formalstructure of Beethoven, the cyclical from of Liszt, and the harmony of Wagner, but he also blended these concepts with his own romantic individuality. This thesis will introduce the life of Franck and the influences which he received through traditional and contemporary compositional techniques. Furthermore, the analysis and research of the“Symphonic Variations ”will be presented and a discussion of performance problems will be included in the concluding chapter.