本論文探討蕭頌《詩曲作品二十五》,共分五章:第一章為緒論,包含研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法。第二章為十九世紀末法國音樂特色;第三章為蕭頌生平簡介、作曲風格、創作背景。第四章探討《詩曲作品二十五》樂曲分析、演奏技巧與風格詮釋。第五章為結語。 Po?me for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 25 by French composer Ernest Chausson is the subject of this research paper. In the first chapter, the goal and the approach of this study are briefly introduced while in the second chapter the aspects of French Music towards the end of the 19th century are discussed. The third chapter covers the composer’s life, compositional styles and the origin of this master piece. The forth chapter starts from the theoretical analysis of this piece and closes by the discussions on the aspects of performance and interpretation. The final chapter is the conclusion of this study.