本論文以貝多芬G大調小提琴奏鳴曲,作品三十之三為研究主體。共分五個章節:第一章為序論,包含研究動機、研究範圍與方法;第二章為貝多芬生平簡介、創作時期與音樂風格;第三章為樂曲分析;第四章為演奏技巧與風格詮釋,提供演奏者一些演奏上的心得;第五章為筆者透過各章節研究後的結論。 The main body of this research paper is based on L. v. Beethoven: Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op.30-3. I divided it into five chapters. The first part is introduction, including motivation, scope and method. The second chapter is L. v. Beethoven’s biography, productive period and music style. The third chapter is music analysis. The fourth part is musical skill and style of interpretation. It also provide some feedback from performer. The last chapter is the conclusion.