本文以台灣、日本、韓國與香港四個亞洲國家在2006年12月至2012年4月間的指數型基金(Exchange-traded fund,ETF)及加權股價指數進行回饋交易的分析探討。擴展Sentana & Wadhwani (1992)所提出之回饋交易模型(SW模型),允許回饋交易者對於金融資產之需求隨著不同的投資人情緒狀態而有所改變,觀察在擴展模型下投資人回饋交易影響程度之差異。 結果顯示,原始回饋交易模型,各國ETF及股價報酬之於當期報酬多半不存在自我相關,回饋交易亦不顯著。而考慮情緒之影響,將投資人情緒區分為高、低以及一般投資人情緒三種狀態,發現市場於看好時,亞洲國家之ETF與股票市場的前期與當期報酬呈現負相關且多半不存在回饋交易行為;處於低投資人情緒時,市場前期與當期報酬呈現正向關係且發現投資人存在回饋交易行為。進一步考量回饋交易者需求會受到當期極端(高、低)情緒而改變,發現高恐慌情緒相 較於樂觀狀態來說,會造成更明顯的前後期 ,會造成更明顯的前後期自我相關特性,台灣、韓國與香港ETF與股票市場普遍呈現追漲殺跌之正向回饋交易行 為,而日本於遞延期內同時存在正、負向回饋交易行為。 This paper extends the standard feedback trading model of Sentana and Wadhwani (1992) (SW model) by allowing the demand for shares by feedback traders to depend on sentiment. Specifically, empirical analysis of SW model has no significant feedback trading behavior. Turning our attention to the focus on this paper, consider the impact of investor sentiment on the behavior. First, we classify sentiment into high, low, and normal three levels. When investor sentiment is optimistic (pessimistic), we find both the expected return of ETF and stock markets have negative (positive) autocorrelation, and among these markets feedback trading behavior is inexistent (exist). Further, it takes a close look at extreme high and low investor sentiment, we find extreme sentiments will lead to more obvious autocorrelation of return and feedback trading activities.