本論文係採取個案分析方式,目的在探討某一政府研發機構,突然面臨民營化要求,在欠缺企業經營經驗情形下即刻走入國際,在面對國際產業之激烈競爭及美國911事件衝擊,導致所承接之國際民用飛機業務均呈現嚴重虧損情形下,如何自我改變。個案公司在原企業化經營經驗不足、生產成本不具競爭力,規模及技術(關鍵技術專利由國際大廠掌控)又無法與國際大廠匹敵等情形,進行了許多自我改造活動,終於擺脫虧損困境、達成正盈餘目標。本研究運用賽局理論之PARTS模型探討個案公司所採取之重要轉型策略,是否為提升公司價值之有效策略,結論為管理制度資訊化發展及外包策略調整皆為提升公司價值之有效策略,而高階人事調整策略是否有效端視人事異動及管理制度調整頻率而定、業務組合調整策略是否有效則視公司風險管控及危機應變能力而定。 This thesis takes case study to investigate what are the turnaround methods of a government-owned R&D institution, on account of privatization requirements, in confrontation with the fierce competition in the international aero-industry and the impact of the U.S. 911 incident, which results in server losses in all projects of the international civil aircraft business. What are the case company’s self-transformations which help it to overcome challenges such as lack of experience, improvement of cost competitiveness, and limitation of key technology patents controlled by leading international companies, and eventually reach the turnaround target.The study uses PARTS model of game theory to investigate the significant transformation strategies taken by case company are effective factors to enhance the value of the company, concluded that the information technology applications in the management system and the outsourcing strategy practices are both effective factors to enhance the value of the company, while the substitution strategy of Chairman being effective or not depending on the frequency of personnel changes and organization restructures, and the business scope strategy being effective or not depending on risk control and crisis response capabilities.