本文將以筆者進入研究所後(創作時間為2008~2012年間),以「腳色」為主題所創作之一系列作品,做為主要的論述主題。透過自身的觀察與體悟,試圖分析並檢視自己在此時期創作的歷程,就內容與形式,並將社會現象與自身創作做一連結,以呈現所要達到的畫面與其內在意涵。 論文從創作的原點與構想開始,陳述創作此系列作品「腳色」的創作動機與目的、研究範圍與方法、名詞解釋。並從美學、文學、社會學、文化人類學等角度探討人與服裝的關係,並探討人物畫家如何運用畫中人物的服飾、物件,來輔助呈現畫面的氛圍。再從關於都市的攝影作品與自身的都市視覺經驗談起,藉由攝影的方式拍攝對象物,再轉換為自身作品,探討作品與所觀察到的社會現象的關聯。接著就畫面構成元素分析,從主體的腳、視角、物件與人三部分論述,希冀釐清自身創作的方向性與關注的面向,並分析這些元素形構來的輔助呈現畫面。最後是此系列作品的介紹與分析,就每幅畫面的主題內容與創作形式自我剖析,分析構圖、媒材技法、空間處理等的運用,說明自己以膠彩為媒介進行「腳色」此系列作品的具體實踐與創作。結論是筆者就這四年來進行本研究的歷程作總結與回顧,透過閱讀大眾的同時更加體認自己身處的時空,與當下的自己。並在進行此階段作品時,將自身的成長與歷程做檢視分析,並探討本創作引發的改變與對未來創作的期許與方向性。 關鍵詞:腳色 This thesis focuses on discussing the works “Roles” produced by the artist while attending the graduate school from Year 2008 to 2012.Through observation and experience, the artist tries to analyze the progress of the works and to tie them with social situations and expects the pictures to present the true meanings.This thesis discusses the relationships between human beings and clothes inaesthetic, literary, societal and anthropological ways. The paper also mentions how the artist uses clothes and accessories to convey concepts. The second part is from the artist’s visual experience to discuss the links between the works and social phenomenon by different photographic skills, objects and reformed works. Next the artist expect to distinguish creation from attended facet. The artist analyzes these compositions through three aspects: the motif, views, and objects and human beings. Finally, the artist introduces and analyzes every topic and style of each picture in the series of works, such as composition, medium, and space.The series of works sugesst how Asian Gouache can be a medium to characterize the works. The artist summarizes and retrospects to four years’ works by reading the public. Meanwhile, the artist not only truly understands herself but also hopes this would inspire any further creations in the future.This paper is organized as follows: stating ideas and conceptions, describing the motivations, objectives and covering ranges, and explaining methodology and phrases.Key word:roles