近年來,由於環保意識之高漲與全球氣候快速變遷,使得各國政府與各國企業逐漸注重其環保策略。以企業而言,過去傳統之供應鏈架構已轉變成結合逆物流之封閉式之供應鏈(Close Loop Supply Chain; CLSC)架構,綠色供應鏈由此而生。企業必須重新思考,在此種環境下如何進行生產規劃,以有效協調各廠區的供給及面對全球的需求。本研究將在此綠色供應鏈架構下,提出一多目標混整數規劃模型,以進行綠色供應鏈之生產規劃模式,並同時考量經濟面(成本)與環境面(碳排放量)兩種規劃目標,藉由多目標之柏拉圖前緣找出兩者目標之間的關係。此模式可決定在不同的經濟與環境目標之水準下,其整體供應鏈之需求配置結果,並包含了各廠之生產品項與數量、各廠一手物料與二手物料之採購數量以及逆物流回收產品之拆解程度,以作為生管人員在進行生產規劃時之參考依據。最後,本研究將以矽晶太陽能電池產業為例,以驗證本模式之適用性及可行性,並進行敏感度分析,根據實驗結果可知單廠區之減碳策略對整體供應鏈之影響,以及在不同之採購成本組合下,對製造廠選用一手物料與二手物料之影響,進而決定回收二手產品之拆解還原程度。 In recent years, due to the rapidly changing of global climate and rising of environmental consciousness, governments and foreign enterprises gradually focus on environmental strategies. The traditional supply chain structure has been transformed into a combination of reverse logistics closed-loop supply chain architecture. Thus, green supply chain is addressed. Companies must to consider how to effectively coordinate the supply of each plant and face the global demands by using production planning strategies in such environment. This paper presents the integrated green (closed-loop) supply chain model considering logistics network, capacity, inventory, and raw materials selection (new or second-hand). A multi-objective mixed integer programming (MOMIP) model that involves the tradeoffs between economic and environmental perspectives under the total operating cost and the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission strategies is developed. In the numerical evaluation and results, we analyzed the relationship between the total cost and carbon emission in the integrated supply chain network by Pareto-optimal front.Finally, the proposed MOMIP model is applied in a crystalline silicon solar energy industry to illustrate the efficiency and advantage for the production planning in the green supply chain in practice. Experimental results shows that the single-plant carbon reduction strategy for the overall supply chain. Which influences also reveal the cost of procurement, selection of first-hand materials and secondary materials in different combinations as well, and then decided to recycle used products disassembled degree of reduction.