本研究旨在探討南投縣布農族籍國中學童族群社會化、族群認同對個體自我概念的影響,希能瞭解受試者的族群社會化知覺、族群認同與自我概念之現況,佐以分析不同性別或年級受試者的族群社會化知覺、族群認同與自我概念差異情形,進而確知族群社會化知覺、族群認同之成長及自我概念之發展的相關及預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查方式蒐集南投縣原住民重點國中國中三年級學生及國中一年級229位學生自陳結果,透過SPSS 17.0版進行描述性統計、Hotelling’s T2考驗、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關及階層迴歸分析,研究發現如下:(一)南投縣布農族籍國中生具正向族群社會化知覺及族群認同,並擁有中等自我概念。(二)不同年級之布農族籍國中生在族群社會化知覺、族群認同及自我概念未達 顯著差異,且布農族籍國中男生的族群歸屬感及自我概念皆高於女生。(三)個體的性別、文化社會化、偏見的覺察及族群態度皆對布農族籍國中生的 自我概念具預測力。 根據上述發現,研究者據以提出幾點建議供原住民重點學校教師及日後研究者參考。關鍵詞:布農族籍國中生、族群社會化、族群認同、自我概念 AbstractThe purpose of this study was to explore the effects of ethnic socialization and ethnic identity on self-concept of Bunun junior high school students in Nantou county. Differences in ethnic socialization, ethnic identification and self-concept of different genders or grades were showed. The correlations between these three variables and the prediction for self-concept were analyzed.In this study, questionnaire was administrated to 229 students of 7th and 9th grade students in Nantou County. The collected data were subjected to descriptive statistics analysis with SPSS v.17.0, Hotelling’s T2-test, independent samples T-test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis. Results showed that: (1) Bunun junior high school students in Nantou County demonstrated positive ethnic socialization awareness and ethnic identification, and have medium level self-concept. (2) No significant differences were found between Bunun junior high school students of different grades in terms of ethnic socialization awareness, ethnic identification and self-concept. Male Bunun junior high school students demonstrate a higher level of ethnic belonging and self-concept than female. (3) Regression analysis showed that the individual gender, ethnic socialization awareness, and ethnic attitude were able to predict the level of self-concept of Bunun junior high school students. Based on the findings, this study proposed several suggestions for the reference of teachers at aboriginal-focused schools and future researchers.Keywords: Bunun junior high school student, ethnic socialization, ethnic identity, self-concept