兒童渴望街道,但現在都市中的街道都是屬於大人的,兒童無法獨自外出,因此想要探討兒童的街道重疊在現況社會街道的狀況,以兒童醫院裡的孩童作為起點,企圖將醫院的既定印象和傳統打破;如果受限於醫院之中並接受治療的過程是必須的,那我希望以孩童的心理感受和角度出發,重新思考這樣的空間情境和事件。以兒童心理分析和繪本作為研究出發,對應現況醫療系統,從兒童心理和想像角度看待空間並衍生空間概念,以兒童觀點和視角轉化現況醫療冰冷的空間情境。基地配置計畫以「遊走街道」的概念進行:以日誌和行動流程走出平面配置,在基地附近街廓遊走,選出特色的建築立面攀爬其表、取樣填充空屋與可利用的街道與空地等,解放延伸空間!將醫療融入生活,使醫院生活有家的居住感。主要對象:診療過程的孩童、慢性病童、住院的孩童、病情好轉的病童。 The existing healing and treatment process in most children's hospitals do not consider the psychological needs of children. Most children experience horrible treatments while they stay at the children's hospital. Transform the psychological situation of medical examinations. So children are not afraid.Strolling on street:The treatment process has been transformed to become parts of strolling on street activities of those sick children. In this way, building fa?ade, empty houses, forgotten urban corners and alley ways, etc. will be integrated into this playground like children's hospital, which makes it as if the sick children are staying at home.Users: Children in healing and treatment processes, children with chronic diseases, children in hospital wards, recovering children.