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Title: | 鎮海壯舉──論明天啟年間荷人被逐後的澎湖兵防佈署 |
Other Titles: | The Measures of the Defense in the Peng-Hu Islands in the Tian-Chi Period of the Ming Dynasty after the Dutch were expelled |
Authors: | 何孟興 Ho, Meng-Hsing |
Contributors: | 東海大學文學院 |
Keywords: | 媽宮、穩澳山、澎湖遊擊 |
Date: | 2011-07 |
Issue Date: | 2013-03-20T09:00:55Z (UTC)
Publisher: | 台中市:東海大學 |
Abstract: | 澎湖位處福建東南海中,因該地位處東亞航道之上,遂為東來尋求貿易機會的荷蘭人所相中,前後兩度遭其所佔領。尤其是,明熹宗天啟(1621-1627)年間第二次佔領時,更長達有兩年之久,明政府費了極大的氣力才將其逐走。經此慘痛的教訓,並恐歷史再度地重演,明政府遂痛下決心,在孤懸海外、土瘠物乏的澎湖,重新規劃兵防的佈署,以應外敵的侵擾竊佔,並保護內地的安全。其中,除了設立遊擊將軍,用以率領水、陸兩路兵丁二千餘人長年戍防澎湖,另外,又在島上興築城垣、營房做為官兵的居所,並且,鼓勵軍、民屯耕以為自給自足,此一「獨立」、「完整性」的防務佈署措舉,在中國海防史上可謂是一大壯舉。綜合此次明政府澎湖防務的佈署內容,共有五個特點和兩大意義。首先是「五個特點」,內容如下:一、它打破先前澎湖遊兵時期「水師防海」的單一型態,增改為「既防海,又守陸」的聯防型態。二、它改變先前「水師兵船,防海禦敵」的佈防型態,轉為側重澎湖陸上的防禦工作。三、將澎湖防務指揮官的層級,由澎遊時的「欽依把總」提升至「守備」,來負責澎湖「遊擊」的事務,以便鎮守一方。四、配合此次澎湖防務由「春、冬汛防」改為「長年駐防」的型態,特在馬公的文澳興築城垣,城中並構建糧倉、營房和將帥衙門,以為官兵長久駐守之用。五、鼓勵戍澎的官兵墾殖土地,並讓內地百姓來此耕種或漁撈,一者民眾耕、漁稅收可資軍需,二者可協助官兵解決糧食問題,三者百姓在澎落戶定居,可達「移民實邊」的效果。其次是「兩大意義」。一為「澎湖兵防佈署『內地化』」。明政府比照「內地」要處的佈防規模,來處理澎湖善後的兵防事宜,諸如遊擊駐劄、水陸兼備、築城置營、長年戍防和軍民屯耕……等相關完備的配合措置,加上,總兵力又高達二、一○四人,使澎湖成為一個「配備完整,獨立應戰」的兵防要地。二為「廈門兵防佈署『強固化』」。因為,先前荷人侵擾漳、泉沿岸的教訓,明政府特別增強廈門中左所的防務佈署,並留意變革後的澎湖防務,和內地兵防整體性的搭配問題,亦即能讓「築城長戍,水陸兼備」的澎湖遊擊,可以和對岸廈門的泉南遊擊的兵力互為犄角,共同扼控臺灣海峽,夾擊入犯的敵人。 Looking for the trading opportunities, the Dutch had occupied twice the Peng-Hu Islands, which is isolated from Fu-Jian and located on the shipping lane; especially, the second occupation had last for around two years. After the Ming government struggled to expel the Dutch, it also made a lot of efforts to reorganize the tasks of the defense in the Peng-Hu Islands. First of all, the Ming government created a position called “Peng-Hu Mobile Corps Commander” to be responsible for all of the tasks. Besides, the Ming government disposed two thousand soldiers, including the army and the navy, to garrison the Ma-Kung on the Peng-Hu Island perennially, and also built the fort, the offices, and the dormitories for them at the Wen-Au Mountain on the Peng-Hu Island. Moreover, in order to ensure the food supply for the military, the Ming government commanded the soldiers to cultivate the land and encouraged people to farm and fish on the Peng-Hu Island. Last but not least, through the reorganization, the Ming government let the troops in the Peng-Hu Islands to cooperate with the military in the Xia-Men in order to control the Taiwan Strait and to prevent any invasion. |
Relation: | 東海大學文學院學報第52卷, p.89-120 |
Appears in Collections: | [文學院] 東海大學文學院學報
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