鍾肇政的大河小說《插天山之歌》拍成同名電影,以日治末期為背景;李喬的劇作《情歸大地》由行政院客委會輔助,拍攝為電影《一八九五》,於2008 年11 月在全台上映,全片以「乙未抗日」為題材。兩部電影正好分據日本殖民的開始與結束,兩個時間點分別是1895 年與1945 年,橫跨日治五十年,而其場景都在桃園新竹的山林一隅,狹隘的空間隱喻了壯闊的歷史,原著者鍾肇政與李喬在建構此段族群反抗史時,不約而同取材台灣北部的客家山庄,據此拍攝的兩部電影更集中表現山林中的客家生活百態,空間建構與族群書寫相互融合,演述台灣的歷史。 The movie The Song of Chatian Mountain, Chung Chao-cheng's roman-fleuve adapted, took the ending of Japanese colonized Taiwan as background. The movie 1895, debuted in November 2008, Li Chao's Blue Brave adapted, is about Yi-wei War, anti-Japanese action, in 1895. From 1895 to 1945, from the beginning to the end of the Japanese colonization, the two movies took place in the hills of Taoyuang and Hsinchu, where a great history event happened in a narrow space. Both Chung Chao-cheng and Li Chao have taken Hakka hill villages in northern Taiwan while they are constructing their works for the story about the history of the people's struggling. The two movies have shown great living details of Hakka hill villages, fused spatial construction and ethnic narratives, describing the history of Taiwan.