設計模型資訊間的關?性是?結整個設計的基礎,一般在產品開發過程中,如果使用相同的CAD 系統建構模型,設計間的關?性建?並無太大的問題。但在許多企業內部或協?廠間,使用?質CAD 系統進?協同設計開發是很普遍的情形,而要在這些?質CAD 系統間交換設計資?並維持設計關?,往往成為產品協同開發過程中最亟待解決之問題。本研究即針對?質設計環境,以國際標準產品資?交換規範 ─ STEP 格式為基礎,使用目前業界普遍使用的實體模型資?交換之邊界表示法(B-rep)方式,進?建?產品幾何及?樸相關的關?性協同設計。在方法上,以應用程式界面(API)將輸出系統之設計資?予以固定的對應編碼後,成為輸入端系統的複製幾何設計特徵,透過這些在?質CAD 系統間傳遞的關?幾何資?,使輸出、入系統間的幾何資?關?性得以保持。並藉由骨架模型檔案的使用,傳遞需要關?的輸入幾何資?到所有關?設計輸出檔案中,進?即時的協同產品開發。研究最後以?鼠產品模型實?,驗證?明本研究計畫之具體可?性。 The associated design is thought as the basis for linking the design models in different systems. During the product development process, if using the same CAD software for system modeling, there is no problem. But in most enterprises or incorporated companies, heterogeneous CAD systems are used very often. CAD model data transfer will become the key issue for products data management. This research is dedicated to build the associated design for heterogeneous CAD systems. Based on the international data transfer standard ─ STEP, and using the CAD solid model ─ Boundary representation method, the product geometry and topology relative relations can be built. This research is to establish an associated collaborative design process among heterogeneous CAD systems. The output design data can be processed with application programmed interface (API) by coding with specified ID. Then the ID and design data has become the copied geometry design feature and transferred into another CAD system as the input data. The relation between these two CAD systems can be associated and achieved the real time collaborative product development environment. Finally, a mouse model is used as the example for implementation to prove the feasibility of this research.