本研究以實驗驗證的方式,探討在PDA(Personal Digital Assistant,個人?位助?)介面設計上,?同點選順序及點選位置對圖像記號(icon)點選績效之影響。受試者為47 名東海大學的學生。實驗進?之方式是在PDA 螢幕上,以Embedded visual basic 程式模擬出實驗的介面。其中,文?字?型包含??字、英文字,和中文字三個水準。點選順序包含?順時針、逆時針、左至右,和右至左四個水準。點選位置包含?第I 象限、第II 象限、第III 象限、和第IV 象限四個水準。研究結果顯示:(1)文?字?型、點選順序及點選位置對PDA 螢幕圖示點選績效有顯著影響。且文字?型為中文字時,受試者有較佳之點選績效。(2)當點選順序為右至左時,及點選位置為第IV 象限時,受試者有較佳之點選績效。 This study investigated the effects of click-orders, and click-locations on clicking performance of icons on PDA. This study collected the experiment data from 47 students in Tunghai University. The experiments of interfaces on PDA were established by embedded visual basic program. This research examine the effects of Character-types include numbers, English letters, and Chinese letters;Click orders include four types of sequences: clockwise, counter-clockwise, from left to right, from right to left on the clicking performance of icons on PDA.;Locations include the I, II, III, IV quadrants. Analysis of experiment data showed that characters, click orders, and locations had significant effects on clicking performance of icons on PDA. While the characters were being Chinese letters, the click performance of icons on PDA would be better. While the click orders were from right to left, the click performance of icons on PDA would be better. While the locations were on the IV quadrant, the click performance of icons on PDA would be better.