記憶體模組產業是位於產業鏈的中游,其原料記憶體晶片(Chip)是來自於上游晶圓廠之晶圓製造開始,由記憶體模組商依產品規格購入所需顆粒,以表面黏著生產技術(Surface-mount technology; SMT)將其他元件鑲嵌於印刷電路版上,製程較為單純。由於原料記憶體晶片製程複雜,因此有相當於三個月的採購前置時間,且不一定每次都能取得足夠數量或是確切的晶片規格,記模體模組的產品結構替代性高,同一種原料可以組合成不同的成品項目,在如此的特性之下,記憶體模組產業是屬於物料為主的生產環境。在全球以及多廠的生產環境之下,生產規劃比單廠區更加複雜困難,因此本研究考量記憶體模組產業特性,以及多階多廠的生產環境,發展一個以成本極小化為目標的多廠區生產規劃模式,考慮物料替代特性、物料調撥技援特性,以及運輸、產能限制,產生每日生產計劃,供規劃人員進行生產規劃時之參考依據。最後,利用Cplex軟體進行本研究的數理規劃模式之運算,經由實驗設計得知本模式所適用的產業環境範圍,並與現行業界規劃方式比較其規劃結果。 The memory module industry is locates in the middle of the chain of memory industry, the processes of memory module is assemble several components with surface-mount technology on the print circuit board. This industry have long lead time to obtain the key material chip that produced from wafer fabrication factories with approximate 3 months and highly BOM alternative. Hence, the memory module industry must allocate the limit of supply to fulfill customer's demands effectively.Besides, the multi-site production environment has more challenges than single-site, this research proposed a linear program model with the constraints such as material, capacity, transportation, material support between production sites, and the objective of the model is minimize the integrated manufacturing costs and employed the model with the software ILOG CPLEX. Via experimentation to compare the effectiveness between the mathematical model and the plan method that enterprise does. And also, get the suitable range of the model.