一個成功的服務補救不論對於顧客或是企業而言皆相當值得重視,然而過去在探討服務補救的文獻中,大多數研究是站在顧客的觀點來探討服務補救,而忽略了以企業的角度來看服務補救,亦即較缺乏內部服務補救機制的探討。 本文即在探討內部服務補救機制對於組織公民行為與服務補救績效的影響。本研究將內部服務補救機制區分為機械式補救方法(顧客服務訓練)與有機式補救方法(賦權),同時依據Bagozzi(1992)的態度理論,探究情感性承諾在內部服務補救機制與組織公民行為、服務補救績效之間所扮演的中介角色。 本研究以銀行業為例,並以527位第一線員工為樣本進行實證檢驗。研究結果顯示:(1)機械式補救方法與有機式補救方法皆可有效的提升情感性承諾,其中機械式補救方法對於情感性承諾有較強的影響效果。(2)在內部服務補救的過程中,情感性承諾扮演了重要的角色。情感性承諾完全中介內部服務補救機制與組織公民行為的關係;然而對於服務補救績效則為部分中介。(3)組織公民行為部分中介情感性承諾與服務補救績效之關係。 Service recovery has been regularly viewed as an important issue for customer and organization. However, in the service recovery literature, the main perspective focuses on the customer side. This is lack of the organization perspective, that is, lack of the viewpoint of the internal service recovery. In this study, we consider how the effect of internal service recovery on organizational citizenship behaviors and service recovery performance. In delineating an organization’s internal service recovery mechanism, we draw a distinction between two fundamental approaches, the mechanistic recovery approach (customer service training) and the organic recovery approach (empowerment). Drawing on Bagozzi’s (1992) attitude theories, this study proposes that internal service recovery mechanism (appraisal), can enhance affective commitment (emotional response), which in turn, facilitates the enhancing of organizational citizenship behaviors and service recovery performance (behaviors). The hypotheses are tested using data from a sample of 527 frontline employees. The results reveal that (1) though both the mechanistic and organic recovery approach significantly influence affective commitment, the mechanistic recovery approach has a stronger impact; (2) affective commitment is a key factor that (a) completely mediates the relationship between the internal service recovery mechanism and organizational citizenship behaviors, (b) partially mediates the relationship between the internal service recovery mechanism and service recovery performance; (3) organizational citizenship behaviors partially mediates the relationship between the affective commitment and service recovery performance.