In this work, bipolar junction transistors with two separate base terminals and the dc method were used to determine the intrinsic base resistance (R int), the extrinsic base resistance (R ext), and the value of an effective resistance (R p) that is in parallel with R int of such a device. Transistors with different emitter widths (W E) while all other device parameters were kept constant are used. The current of one of the base terminals was set to zero to trace the internal base potential of the device. A device simulator was used to analyze the detailed mechanism of the Kirk effect and the current-crowding effect on base resistance. The results show that for current short-width transistors under normal operating conditions the base resistance is mostly influenced by the Kirk effect, not the current-crowding effect. ? 2000 Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Volume 39, Issue 2 A, 2000, Pages 438-441