本研究主要以網路通訊產業中的網路設備業為主軸,透過Hamel的核心競爭力分析架構來探討目前網路通訊設備製造商所面臨的概況,並以國內A家公司為主體公司與同業其他三家公司進行比較,針對不同公司的核心競爭力與產品線的未來發展進行策略上的建議。由於目前相關的文獻皆只針對某一項網路設備產品和某特定一家公司進行分析與建議,都沒有對於同業進行整體產品線的比較。因此相較於其他的文獻,本研究的貢獻在於找出目前網路設備產業最具競爭力的核心產品然後分析出各個產品的特性為何,並利用這些產品特性比較各公司彼此間核心競爭力的強弱。 This research is mainly aim at the network equipment manufacturers of the net communication industry to study the strategies in current marketing circumstance that the manufacturers should take via the method of Hamel’s core competitiveness analysis, and compare the A company with the other three competitors to identify their core products and offer the suggestion to their future marketing strategy.Due to current paper or relative document only do the analysis and suggestion to an specified networks product or an specified company without comparing them in the same competing group, therefore, the contribution of this research is to find out the most competitive product in the network industry and analyze the characteristic for each, using the characteristic to comparing those companies in the research and find their core competitive strength and weakness.