The quantum phenomenon of the transmission resonance can be observed in Ag films grown on a Si(111)7?7 surface using scanning tunneling spectroscopy. It is found that the energy of the transmission resonance moves toward lower energy with increasing film thickness. The formula used is derived from quantum mechanics to demonstrate that this lowering in the transmission resonance energy is proportional to (w+ 1) 2/w 2, where w is the number of atomic layers of film thickness. This relation is justified by experimental results, but only holds for thinner films. The formula also predicts that the lowest-order transmission resonance should disappear when the Ag film reaches its critical thickness. This disappearance of the transmission resonance has also been experimentally confirmed in the dI/dV spectrum. ? 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Volume 50, Issue 8 PART 4, August 2011, Article number08LB01