近年來文明快速進步,全球都市化的現象極為明顯,導致空氣污染的情況日趨嚴重,而空氣污染事件主要是由人為因素及汽機車、工廠排放,伴隨著特定的天氣型態所造成。本研究蒐集統計2012年3月21日~23日、5月22日~24日、8月8日~10日、10月2日~4日,四次監測採樣期間內,環保署監測站、中央氣象局、台中市政府地方測站的氣象資料以及污染物資料來分析風場、都市熱島效應與污染物濃度三者之間的相關性研究。並且探討採樣期間中部地區熱島效應的案例發生與日變化,海陸風環流對中部地區熱島現象及污染物濃度的影響,以及在熱島中心做繫留探空垂直污染物採樣,分析熱島中心的垂直污染物分布。在監測採樣期間,大里地區明顯為台灣中部都會區的熱島中心,而熱島效應所產生的輻合現象大約在下午接近傍晚時段(約1500LST~1800LST)最為明顯,在熱島效應產生並且伴隨著輻合作用的影響下,風速會有顯著的減弱且風向逆時針方向轉變成向熱島中心地區集中的趨勢,有機會將鄰近地區的空氣污染物傳輸累積於熱島中心,而形成高污染事件。 In recent years, the rapid progress of civilization and urbanization has produced the serious air pollution. And the air pollution episodes are mainly caused by human factors such as vehicle exhausts and industrial pollution and accompany with certain weather pattern. The meteorological and air pollutants data from government-owned observation stations are used to analyze the correlation among wind field, urban heat island and pollutant concentration in central Taiwan during four periods (21-23 March, 22-24 May, 8-10 August and 2-4 October in 2012). This study has also discussed the influence of urban heat island episodes, diurnal variation and sea breeze to heat island phenomenon and pollutant concentration. In addition, in this study, the tethersonde was used to collect air samples of different height and analyze the vertical distribution of pollutants in heat island center.The result indicates that Dali is the heat island center of central Taiwan. The phenomenon of convergence, which caused by urban heat island (UHI), is more obvious between afternoon and evening (1500LST~1800LST). There was a significant decrease in wind speed under the influence of phenomenon of convergence while making the anticlockwise direction and turn out to be concentrate toward heat island center. Furthermore, the weather pattern might concentrate and accumulate air pollutants to the heat island center and then cause serious air pollution episodes.