以往的文獻多討論台中七期新市政中心的豪宅市場,未提及到七期新市政中心的商辦市場趨勢。隨著台中市政府擴大公共基礎建設,台商回流,台中的市場逐漸熱絡。台中商辦市場已有二十年沒有新的建案,但陸續在近年來推出的建案都能銷售完畢,且有亮眼的成績。本研究想要探討是否有足夠的需求來帶動台中七期新市政中心的商辦行情及其競爭優勢。本研究藉由訪談法來加以分析七期新市政的供給面與需求面。得到的結論為:(1)就資源開發角度而言,台中七期地理位置優異,位處交通樞紐且未有過多商辦大樓開發,在需求逐漸產生下會帶動建商投入市場。(2)就需求角度而言,中部本身就是台灣工業的重地,台商陸續回台,必定想在中部成立辦公室,多數台商早已是七期豪宅的客戶。對他們而言,七期等同於他們身分地位的表徵,自然可以推動七期商辦的需求力道。(3)就政府政策而言,台中市政府早就有計畫要推動台中七期的發展,也將台中市政府遷移到七期新市政中心,扮演新的都市中心機能,對七期發展無疑是一個利多。也是推動七期商辦價格的主要原因。(4)中部建商相互競爭,且多半都有從眾行為。當具有代表性的建商在此推出商辦個案,其他建商都會相繼投入競爭,熱絡商辦市場。 Previous studies focus on the housing market of 7th land consolidation district in Taichang City, but not mentioned about the business office market. While Taichang City Government is establishing public facilities and business pepole are coming back from China, the business office market becomes prosperious. It has been twenty years without new-released business office buildings, but recently new-released buildings are sold out very well. The study would like to discuss if there is enough demand for business office market on 7th land consolidation district in Taichang City. The methodolgy of the study is in-depth interview and results from the study are as below (1) From resource aspect, the location of 7th land consolidation is extremely good sited on transport hub, which attracts constructors to invest. (2) From demand aspect, Taichang is well known for its industrial field. Many business people live in 7th land consolidation. The luxury housing signals the social identity of business men. Thus, business offices in 7th land consolidation also respond their social status. (3) From government aspect, Taichung City Government, located in 7th land consolidation also brings convenient function for companies who need to process city administrative works. (4) From the competition aspect, due to herd behavior, while the leader of real estate developers releases business office buildings, others must participate in for chasing benefits.