本研究主要的目的在探討父母不同背景變項教養方式之差異,以及父母因應親師溝通衝突方法之差異情形,並探討父母教養方式與父母因應親師溝通衝突方法之相關性。主要採用問卷調查及統計分析,利用自編「父母教養方式量表」 和「父母因應親師溝通衝突量表」為研究工具,以Likert四點量表計分,再將調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗(paired sample t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、Pearson積差相關分析等研究統計方法進行處理。根據資料分析結果,本研究所得結論如下:一、父母較傾向採取「開明權威型」之教養方式,其次依序為「專制權威型」、「過度保護型」、而以採取「忽視冷漠型」的方式為最少。二、父母不同背景變項教養方式皆有顯著差異。三、父母較傾向採取「合作」方式因應親師溝通衝突,其次依序為:「妥協」、「逃避」、「忍讓」、「抗爭」之方式。四、父母不同背景變項,因應親師溝通衝突方法皆有顯著差異。五、父母教養方式與父母因應親師溝通衝突之方法有顯著相關性。 最後,根據本研究結果,對幼兒園教師及未來研究提出建議。關鍵詞:父母教養方式、親師溝通衝突 The main purpose of this study was to explore parenting styles and the correlation between parenting styles and parents’ measures to resolve conflicts with teachers. A questionnaire containing scale of parenting style and scale of parents’ measures to resolve conflicts with teachers was developed by the researcher as an instrument to collect data. The data collected were analyzed by means of descriptive, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. The major findings were shown as follows: (1) The style of parenting that parents were more inclined to adopt was authoritative parenting, followed by authoritarian parenting, overprotective parenting and uninvolved parenting.(2) To resolve conflicts with teachers, the parents tended to be more cooperative, followed by compromising, evading, tolerant and argumentative. (3) Parenting styles were significantly correlated with parents’ ways to resolve conflicts with teachers.According to the major results, the implications were given to the pre-school teachers and future studies . Key words: parenting styles, parents’ conflicts with teachers