Abstract: | 21世紀是全球化與地方化交融並存的時代,已經不再是以往彼此衝突對立的現象,而是相互依賴並存,以達到「全球化思考,在地化行動」。行政院在2002?「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」的十大重點投資計畫中更是將「觀光客倍增計畫」列為其中第五項,這也使得觀光產業儼然成為我國重要發展事業之一。本研究擇定苗栗縣觀光產業作為研究範疇,探討苗栗縣府近年來所推動的各類觀光產業活動之成效,主要目的欲分析苗栗各鄉鎮觀光資源及特色產業之發展,以瞭解政府部門在策略施行上受到哪些關鍵因素所影響。採用質性研究方法之個案研究法及立意抽樣的方式,針對政府部門、營利部門、第三部門團體以及民意機關進行深度訪談,最後依實證分析歸納出結論,以提供苗?縣未來觀光產業及舉辦觀光活動之建議與願景。 對於苗栗縣觀光產業發展之策略研擬,本研究認為,首先,應提升苗栗縣觀光服務品質,改善軟硬體設備;其次,苗栗特有的地方民情融入地方文化;最後,明確定位苗栗縣觀光產業之未來願景,發展苗栗縣特有的「客家文化」與「慢活之都」。目前苗栗縣積極強化並加深遊客對苗栗的觀光品牌印象,因此應該善用特有的苗栗客家民情,熱情好客的特點,營造有別於其他縣市的苗栗觀光,創造苗栗觀光新價值。 21st century is the coexistent era of globalization and localization. It’s no longer a contradiction, but a interdependence, in order to achieve the goal “Think Globally And Act Locally”. In 2002, a scheme drawn by Executive Yuan calling “Challenge 2008 - National Development Plan”. It includes ten key investments, and further, regards “Doubling Tourist Arrivals Plan” as the fifth item which has made tourism become one of the important events in our country.The tourism of Miaoli is chosen to be a case study in this thesis, comprising the effectiveness, development and distribution of resources of various types of industrial activities promoted by Miaoli County Government. The goal is to have a totally comprehension that what kind of factors will affect government departments when carrying out policies, moreover, presenting the prospects and suggestions toward sightseeing activities held by Miaoli County Government in the future. For tourism industry development strategies developed in Miaoli County, the study concluded that, first, should improve the quality of tourism in Miaoli County, improved soft-hardware device and, secondly, Miaoli County-specific local people into the local culture; and, finally, clear position in Miaoli County, visions of the future of the tourism industry, developing unique to Miaoli County "Hakka Culture" and "Slow City". Currently active in Miaoli County to strengthen and enhance visitor understanding of Miaoli County's tourism brand image, so that should use unique to Miaoli Hakka people, hospitable character, creating different from other cities and counties of Miaoli sightseeing, creating new value of Miaoli County Tourism. |