世界各國普遍重視產業環境改善及污染防治,因此積極鼓勵產品開發更符合時代環保潮流與消費需求,實際上,綠色產品的銷售成績仍乏善可陳。既有的研究顯現品質要素會提升消費意願與滿意度,則上述的品質要素是否同樣地影響具有綠色概念之3C產品,是本研究欲探討的重點。其中,青少年族群為3C產品較大使用族群,因此,以青少年族群為本研究探討之對象。 本研究運用Kano Model釐清環保3C產品之品質要素可以增加青少年族群滿意程度,藉由品質改善指標公式了解要素之間影響消費滿意度的程度大小,可對產品做較有效率的改進。本研究目的為,分析出哪些綠色3C產品之品質要素會影響青少年之選擇。 研究結果顯示,產品要素中主要以外觀性、功能性、服務、口碑可以提升青少年之顧客滿意程度,無論是男性或是女性,品質要素中口碑可以同時降低青少年之顧客不滿意程度。 Countries in the world have taken environmental improvement and pollution abatement seriously, and therefore have encouraged to develop products to fit in with environment-friendly and users’ needs more than ever. Nevertheless, the green products didn’t have good sale. Many researches have exposed that some quality factors can stimulate consumption willingness and satisfaction. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to reveal whether those factors mentioned will have the same impact on 3C products or not. In addition, adolescent is the main consumer of 3C products and consequently is focused for this research. In this study Kano Model is used to identify quality factors that influence adolescent decision when they purchase various green 3C products. Afterwards quality improvement index was computed to classify factors according to extent of customers’ satisfaction influenced; meanwhile, products could be improved efficiently. The purpose of this study is to identify quality factors of green 3C products which influence adolescent selections. The results showed that four quality factors which are appearance, function, service, and public praise may increase satisfaction of adolescent customers. The quality factor, public praise, may decrease the extent of un-satisfaction of adolescent customers in spite of sex.