Norman(2011)《在好設計不簡單》一書當中提到產品經由設計師設計後大多具有預示性的特質,重要的是如何讓使用者發現這些特質。究主要目的是結合Affordance概念與幽默設計,藉由幽默設計外形意象、產品含有的文化意涵、使用者的過去經驗、以及幽默表現技巧等,主動的引起使用者注意到Affordance的存在,而不是藉由文字、符號、或者圖片等指引被動的讓使用者發現Affordance。 了解Affordance以及幽默的相關理論後進行現有產品資料收集,利用案例分析法將收集的產品挑選15個具有代表性案例進行幽默以及Affordance特質分析歸納,而後得到五大類型: 結合文化背景以及經驗所帶有的產品Affordance類型、產品造型意象與Affordance無強烈正面連結類型、造成使用上不便利性的Affordance產品反思類型、Affordance強調產幽默特性類型、具有重層性的產品類型。觀察日常生活感知預示性以及真實的預示性與使用者之間的關係並且連結幽默設計概念。再進行設計驗證概念的發展,最後得到五種設計驗證:玩石磁鐵、小鳥筆、火柴椅、害羞的鳥櫃、鑰匙開關。 設計驗證結果將五種設計驗證概念再以產品分析歸納方式分析後,五種設計概念共歸入四種大類當中:結合文化背景以及經驗所帶有的產品Affordance類型、產品造型意象與Affordance無強烈正面連結類型、造成使用上不便利性的Affordance產品反思類型、具有重層性的產品類型。藉由現有產品的幽默以及Affordance特質相較,認為幽默設計能夠達到讓使用者主動察覺Affordance之目的。 未來為避免幽默設計可能引起不同消費者類型所引起對於設計感到的困惑,產品應進行使用者調查。為避免過於注重幽默特質也應注意避免實用功能因幽默設計而降低。最後產品設計概念可導入藉由導入反思性,重層性概念設計讓產品設計更具內涵。 Most products have certain Affordance since they were created by designers at the first beginning. It’s important to make users notice the existence of Affordance. The objective of the study is mainly focus on how to help users easily notice the existence of Affordance by humor design rather than by words, signs, or pictures. With the knowledge of literature reviews, the research use the method case study to analyze 15 representative products of their humor and Affordance characters and classify them into five types: (1.) Product Affordance characters combined with culture background and experience (2.) Rethinking: Product Affordance characters that make the use inconvenient (3.)The form of products have no significant connection with Affordance (4.) Affordance emphasize the humor characters of products (5.) Product with Found Object character. Observing Real Affordance and Perceived Affordance in everyday life and connecting with humor concept develop five designs for design implementation process including Stone magnet, Bird Pen, Stick Chair, Shy Bird, and Key-switch. Analyzing the humor and Affordance characters of five implementation designs and classifying them into four product type with case study method including : (1.) Product Affordance characters combined with culture background and experience (2.) Rethinking: Product Affordance characters that make the use inconvenient (3.)The form of products have no significant connection with Affordance (4.) Product with Found Object character. Comparing with the products in market, implementation designs would have the possibility to make users actively notice the Affordance with humor designs easily. To avoid users misunderstand humor design and have confuses, designs should be tested by users. Also, we should aware about that too much humor design would have the possibility decreasing the function of products. At last, applying concept of rethinking and Found Object could rise the quality and meaning of products.